Mascot Bar - (Bars in Tingaki)

Jake mark jack joe toon            

hi everybody at the mascot bar toon toon and the mackem boys here just got home we are missing tha fat b*****d already lol costas yianni and mc hopalong thanks for a great holiday we are already practising our karaoke for the next time we surprise yous im a barbie girl lol better get a lot more sambukas in for our mams and dads  mark gillian deborah mark {mackem] john and angie  what team r u supporting now costas ? smile  or is it peter andre ? well bye from us all from jarrow especially the crocodile hunter .laughcry

Mascot Bar - (Bars in Tingaki)

Jake mark jack joe toon            

this has been the best holiday yet.

The mascot bar it has been the best entertaining bar in tingaki.
ALL of the BARS were good but the MASCOT bar was the best.
the drinks and ice cream were  lush.