Mascot Bar - (Bars in Tingaki)

Maria G           

Me and Vicki have been crying since we got back! Absolutely the best bar in the world! Thanks to all "our" guys for making this the holiday of a lifetime, and WE REALLY MISS YOU! George and Thio, u are very naughty boys but we love you! Con, christos, costas keep dancing, keep smiling and we'll see u next year! Yanni, you are the best!, thanks for our shirts, we wear them with pride. Hello to Con/Elvis/Ali G- ur da bomb! a special shout to Nick, Nick and Archie, and Finally, our SEXY Olympic reps Jerome and Wes! we miss you guys loads, and THANK U for everything ;) Hopefully, we will see you soon.
All the love in the world, love from the sexy, naughty, dirty dancers, Strah lovers mad crazy wild childs of the whole 2 weeks we were there!
p.s Kim, lucy, tim, peanut, boo boo, shrek, Kim and Paula we miss u!

love Maria and Vicki xxx

Mascot Bar - (Bars in Tingaki)


what is the address of Macot Bar? we want to send a Thank u card, and some photo's to our friends X